Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Being Present to Opportunity With Special Guest Scott Gazzoli

In this episode I had the unique opportunity to speak with Scott Gazzoli, successful entrepreneur, Brooklynite, and host of the Causing the Effect podcast, a top 25 mindset podcast on Apple. Scott takes us on a colorful journey from growing up as a young kid inside the mafia to recreating himself over and over again until he found real success and contentment not just financially but in his heart, mind, and soul.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Mya Joseph, Coach and Shaman

Mya is a brilliant coach and shaman from Queensland, Australia who helps her clients awaken from their dogmatic slumbers. Mya utilizes her shamanic gifts to help her clients see beyond the noise of their limiting beliefs and conditioning.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

What Really Matters with Special Guest Bobby Couto

In this episode I share the microphone with my very first guest, my dear friend and fellow podcaster Bobby Couto of the Bobby Couto Show and the Disgruntled American Podcast. It's a feel good and engaging conversation between two friends on two different coasts. We share our personal experiences on mental health and how we both "experience" a rapidly changing world through the lens of generation x.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

10,000+ Hours of ADHD

In this podcast we explore the nature of labels and the behavioral conditioning that humans innocently experience when diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, OCD and other related "disorders" and how to see beyond the stigma attached to the label.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

ADHD Overwhelm

A typical ADHD adult experiences life more intensely than neurotypicals. The ADHD nervous system wants to be engaged in something interesting and challenging. Attention is never "deficit." It's always excessive, constantly occupied with internal engagements. When people with ADHD aren't not present and in a state of flow they have many things rattling around in their minds all at once. Past, present, and future are never separate and distinct. When we see the illusory nature of this "neuro-experience" called ADHD we are better equipped to be the silent observer of the frenetic system which allows us to get less "sucked in" to it.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Using Your Superpowers Against Yourself

Your brain loves you and wants to keep you safe. But just like your laptop computer at home your computer is useless without "YOU" at the controls. Especially when your brain glitches and spews out all sorts of error commands in the form of overwhelmed, scary thinking. Scary thinking when there is nothing in the present moment to be scared about. So don't worry. It’s never your fault. It happens to all of us. It is the experience we call being human. As long as you see it as 100% nonsense and temporary. As long as you see it just anxious, sped up, overwhelmed ego fueled angry thinking that 100% means nothing and will settle on its own very soon. As long as you see the glitch in the operating system, the more we see the glitchiness as normal (and very human), the less we suffer. The less we suffer the quieter we get. The quieter we get the more time we spend in a very magical space called the present moment.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Coming Home to Our Inner Wisdom

When we see that our worst enemy is not your desperate circumstances but the very human tendency to getting caught up in the content of our thinking, silly beliefs, and conditioning of how life is supposed to be. Syd Banks, the brilliant Scottish mystic once said: "Everyone at this moment is mentally healthy when you look at yourself from those eyes and you look at others from those eyes the way you are changes." And you don't find it in your intellect. When our mind calms down we enter this space as Syd Banks calls it, "pure consciousness." You don't have to believe in spirituality (or practice anything), being religious to see what I am pointing to. It's always there. It's always on offer. It's built in to everyone of you. Once your thinking gets quiet we drop into the fearless now.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

What is Really True?

You can end up chasing your own tail believing that authority figures, doctors, law enforcement. the media. your family, your boss say it must be true. But it may not be "the truth." The only truth is this moment. The only real truth is relaxing into hope when we get present. The only truth is living in the feeling of possibility right now. Living in the feeling of enjoyment despite how good or bad your circumstances are. So what is true with all of you at this present moment? Because all we have is this G-d given moment right now. As Syd banks once said: "get out of the future, get out out of the past, and get over yourself."

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Don't Call this a Concept We've Been Here for Years

In this episode we examine the very human tendency to get caught up in the machinery of our brain's concept driven rigid business plan of how life is supposed to be. If we follow the brain's conditioned "fear algorithm" it leads down a torturous rabbit hole called suffering. When we point more to our G-d given gift of calm and wellbeing, we see what is possible beyond our noisy brains.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

The Hypersensitive ADHD Brain

Why are we hypersensitive? Who cares. It just is. It’s our neurotype. 

Maybe our hyper-reactivity sometimes is also wrapped in old conditioning or habitual thought that is never examined. It does not matter. 

We don’t behave this way all the time. We are not hypersensitive all the time. When we are not caught up in emotional reactivity we are calm. Focused. Clear. We are not ADHD all the time. When we are not ADHD we are following our own inner guidance. It’s not found in your brain. It’s in the "fearless now."

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

How to See the Mental Health in Everyone

We are all blessed with an inner guidance system, an inner GPS that (if we allow it to) gently guides us down the river of life. It is pre-installed original equipment at the factory. It is in all of you. If we pay attention to it more. If we don't get distracted and caught up by the convincing noise of the monkey mind. Noise our brain innocently tries to convince us is true. Then one day we see the ridiculousness of the noise. A ridiculous brain trying to convince you to pay attention to it. Why? Because the brain thinks that the noise will keep you safe and help”

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

How to Tap Into Your Inner Wisdom

We are all blessed with an inner guidance system, an inner GPS that (if we allow it to) gently guides us down the river of life. It is pre-installed original equipment at the factory. It is in all of you. If we pay attention to it more. If we don't get distracted and caught up by the convincing noise of the monkey mind. Noise our brain innocently tries to convince us is true. Then one day we see the ridiculousness of the noise. A ridiculous brain trying to convince you to pay attention to it. Why? Because the brain thinks that the noise will keep you safe and help you survive. That is great if there is a real physical threat like a saber tooth tiger hiding lurking in the shadows and ready to pounce. The real wisdom is getting curious about the noise. Realizing it is not real. Realizing it is all made up. Once we realize this we can pay attention more to our inner wisdom and less to the noise in our heads.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

The Great Pattern Interrupter

The great pattern interrupter is that quiet space we all drop into naturally but don't pay enough attention to. We are just one thought away from wellbeing. We all get to see there is a quiet and conscious knowing outside of our "caught-upness" of a low mood if we spend a little more time paying attention to the quiet we are all gifted with.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Struggling with Our Noises

This episode is about the anxious and catastrophic future fantasy thinking inner narrator that is running in our head sometimes and how to make peace with it.

We all have an inner narrator constantly informing us of our outside world.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

The Low Mood Shuffle

In this episode I discuss how liberating it is when we stop believing our anxious and sped up thinking and how liberating it is when we stop trying to manage or "fix," judge, or blame the outside world for our temporary low mood.

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

Presence and the Fall Guy

What if your inner melodrama called head chatter suddenly disappeared? What if I told you you were just one thought away from mental health? Calm? What if I told you you are more than the sum total of that made up bullshit neural movie your mind is currently making up at this very moment? You would tell me I am crazy. Actually your mind's ego is probably judging all of this as we speak. Perhaps it's time to stop listening to your ego fueled intellect?

What if I told you that getting quiet is all you need to get closer to your true nature? Your true nature, a.k.a. wellbeing and calm? What if I told you that you drop in and out of the present moment all day long yet never pay attention to it?

You don’t need resolutions in 2021. All you need is presence. Presence is all you need.

Then you have a chance to find your next job. Your next love. Your next big idea.

The choice is yours...

Wishing you, you, and you in the nosebleed seats a happy and healthy "present" New Year...

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Jeanne Verger Jeanne Verger

That Superpower Within You

Deep down we know it is there. Yet we get distracted. We get enticed. We get addicted. Addicted to the neural adjenou of stressed out thinking. Judgmental and critical habitual thought. Wrapped up in a neat and fancy Tiffany gift bag called conditioning.

Then one day it hits us. When we see it. We see it in a brief flicker. A sliver of a moment. Presence. Then we see it more. Happening to us more and more everyday. It's Eckhart Thole's: "the power of now." It's the secret spice. It's where all of your inner wisdom and guidance is hidden.

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