Using Your Superpowers Against Yourself

Your brain loves you and wants to keep you safe. But just like your laptop computer at home your computer is useless without "YOU" at the controls. Especially when your brain glitches and spews out all sorts of error commands in the form of overwhelmed, scary thinking. Scary thinking when there is nothing in the present moment to be scared about. So don't worry. It’s never your fault. It happens to all of us. It is the experience we call being human. As long as you see it as 100% nonsense and temporary. As long as you see it just anxious, sped up, overwhelmed ego fueled angry thinking that 100% means nothing and will settle on its own very soon. As long as you see the glitch in the operating system, the more we see the glitchiness as normal (and very human), the less we suffer. The less we suffer the quieter we get. The quieter we get the more time we spend in a very magical space called the present moment.


ADHD Overwhelm


Coming Home to Our Inner Wisdom