A Kind, Gentle Voice Called Presence with Thomas Leamy

I had the honor of sitting down with the great Thomas Leamy. Thomas is not only a gifted principles coach, successful entrepreneur, and citizen of the world, he is also a man with a heart of gold.

Thomas Leamy is a global citizen - having travelled to more than 50 countries. His experience connecting with diverse groups of people helped him realize how similar we all are - regardless of nationality, culture or wealth. Thomas spent 10+ years working with high level executives and government officials around the world in the nation branding industry. He led 15 country scale projects and became a sought after country director in this field. During this time, his passion for understanding the psychology of high performing leaders emerged. After several coaching and training certifications, Thomas now helps individuals, teams and SMEs understand how they too can perform at their best and reduce the burden of stress.

He is originally from Ireland and leads High Performance Strategy Europe (HPSE) as a business psychology practitioner and trainer. Thomas currently lives in Portugal with his wife and is completing an MSc in business & organizational psychology.


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