Understanding the High Performance ADHD Mind with Avigail Gimpel

I recently had the honor of sitting down with Avigail Gimpel. Avigail is the author of HyperHealing –The Empowered Parent’s Complete Guide to Raising a Healthy Child with ADHDAvigail Gimpel, M.S., is a special educator, a family practitioner, and a mom of six children diagnosed with ADHD.

As her students struggled with ADHD symptoms and her own children were diagnosed with ADHD, she took a deep dive into the research (turning up unexpected results), studied and applied the best programs available, and developed many interventions of her own.

This book is the result of over twenty-five years of research, development and application of cutting-edge intervention programs for her clients, children and hundreds of students. HyperHealing is your complete ADHD coaching program and parenting guide in one book.


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