ADHD is Not a Disorder

ADHD is not a disorder. It is a made up label that the mental health industry has innocently conditioned us to believe is a disorder. Once we begin to look at ADHD and neurodiversity not from a disordered and dysfunctional perspective but from a 'not broken nothing to fix' perspective. ADHD is a high performance mind that works differently. We just need to learn how to use our neurodiverse equipment to work for us (and not against us). Yet we innocently get caught up in the label. We innocently look for things that don't work or we "think" need to be fixed. That's just what a brain does. That's just what an intellect does. It's nobody's fault. Yet there is so much beyond the intellect. There is so much beyond the noise of our conceptual based mind. There is so much beyond the "diagnostic" tools mental health professionals use. Once we look underneath the noise of our intellect we are then able to see beyond the made up label and diagnosis.


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