ADHD and Negative Thinking

Negative thinking is a common feature of a brilliant  yet overwhelming "hit me all at once" brilliant ADHD mind. It feels real because our thoughts are connected to our feelings that our personal mind is blaming on our outside situation (innocently). Yet when we see the illusory nature of our made up thought and thinking "neural machinery" we have free will not to identify with it or see any truth in our temporary thought storms. We see our resilience when we allow the emotional "thought storm energy" to move through us. And when we stop identifying with it and allow it to settle (when caught up) it frees us from suffering. Once we see it's an "inside/out" experience we always feel better. 100% of the time.


Resilience in Adversity: Navigating ADHD and Antisemitism with Nina Manolson


Suffering with ADHD is Optional